ramblings, opinions, rants, and life happenings of a college student of asian roots. hopefully i made you chuckle along the way. first my nickname was wonton and no one knew my real name. now it has graduated to eggroll, but as many would pronounce it without the l's, hence eggrorr as my mother would say it. its okay i'm not offended. really.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
oh my my
pretty mesmerizing. wowzers. reminds me just how talented people are out there in the world. it's too bad they're not getting the deals/attention. he reminds me of harry potter...don't ask me why, i can relate anything to harry potter, ANYTHING. though there is also something i find somewhat annoying about this, can't put my finger on it. oh it might be those intensely dramatic faces he's making, actually no i like it, the more dramatic the better.
man. i wants beats by dre so i can sway and pretend i have musical swagger.
there is no way all those noises are coming out of his mouth. na ah. what....???
okay. i'm having a conversation with myself on blogger.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
i was not blown away
Friday, August 26, 2011
music is my religion
everyone is freaking out. i hope it's not as dramatic as they're making it out to be...
i find music very therapeutic and song lyrics some of the greatest poetry i've come across. i'm extremely disheartened by the direction of what this new generation considers to be "good" music and they throw some sass at me when i try to break down their music wall. this doesn't mean you won't find me humming along to some new britney spears song (i'm sure i've professed my love for aaron carter' s songs on this blog numerous times, yes i believe in my heart they are wonderful simply for being so ridiculous).
here's a little piece i ran across that shares some of my sentiments:
They may have the same last name, but that's where the similarities end with Katy Perry and Linda Perry.
The 4 Non Blondes rocker is no fan of the "California Gurls" singer.
In an interview with music journalist Heath Daniels, Linda compared Katy's music to making "microwave popcorn."
"It's just different, it's different," Linda said. "You listen to the Adele record, and I'm not a huge fan of Adele, it's a solid record. A solid record, and it's selling. OK? so that means people are still buying records.
"It's the crap, like who wants a f---ing Katy Perry record? I'm sorry, you know? You're gonna get the two songs that are probably the hits that are good, but the rest of the album is gonna be crap.
"It's going to sound like s--t and who cares about buying that record?" Linda added. "So people download the single and then that's it."
Linda's position is interesting, considering that Katy just tied Michael Jackson with five No. 1 singles off the same album and the fact that Linda wrote songs for pop tarts like Britney Spears, Christina Aguelera and Pink.
In fact, she wrote nine out of the fifteen tracks on Pink's 2001 album "Missundaztood" and four tracks off of Aguilera's "Stripped."
Linda blames the quick-money mentality of music as "part of the reason the music business is in turmoil," even though she is responsible for hit-makers who helped inspire and make way for the likes of Katy.
It's not all claws from Linda, though.
"She's great for what she does. But she's not reinventing the wheel, she's not giving substance. She's just giving, you know, microwave popcorn for you to feast on right at this moment. You know, that's it.
"And that's what she wants to do obviously. She's not looking to change the world musically, she's not. So all the power to her and everybody that is like that."
a quote i found on tumblr awhile ago
"It’s fun, but I don’t think of it as music. It’s manufactured. I appreciate it as a pop culture phenomenon and some of the songs I like if I hear them in a shopping mall or something, but it doesn’t function as music for me. Music is something that communicates emotion and integrity in a really interesting, direct way, and when I listen to the pop music you’re describing, it’s hyper-produced corporate product. That isn’t really even a criticism, but I just think calling it music is a misnomer.” -Moby on Britney Spears
Here is one new artist gaining popular attention that gives me hope: Florence + The Machine
i don't know, music is subjective so i might be arguing an endless point.
ugghhh on a side note, someone remind me never to eat cheese again when i'm not at home.
have fun in the hurricane people of the east coast!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
life is for living
i'm having a real coldplay moment, dunno why.
i need to see them live. sofriggingood.
ooohhhh music festivals, brings back so many memories from bonnaroo.
you're next lollapalooza!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Sunday, July 3, 2011
i just don't know
i don't want pity. i don't want to be the person that everyone raises an eyebrow around. i just want to keep living life with happiness. i wish i could just run away from it all or snap my fingers and make it all go away but most of all i wish i was stronger. every one has their problems and struggles it's just hard to stomach when you go out and see how much better off they seem. or maybe its me. maybe its why i'm so fucked up sometimes. maybe its why i'm such a bitter and angry person. i laugh because i don't know what else to do. i joke because i need a break from feeling so damn helpless and to mask how much i hate my life sometimes. yeah, i know i'm still blessed and have it so much better than so many other, whatever. i can't bring myself to trust anyone to talk about the problems i apparently cannot handle. they'll judge me, i would too. i just hope it will eventually get better. i hope there is someone out there to make it better. i don't know why i'm writing this as i hear fireworks in the background, i just don't even know where else to turn besides my blog. pretty pathetic. i'm sure its going to be a happy happy holiday weekend for everyone. i just wish i was one of them.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
i have so much respect for this woman. people can say what they want about the politics, but you cannot deny how inspiring the path the Obama's have taken to get to where they are. so incredibly incredibly proud to call her my first lady.
Michelle Obama on her “cute” husband, Hillary Clinton and how she raises her daughters
While President Obama was delivering a speech to the British Parliament on Wednesday, First Lady Michelle Obama used a visit to a prestigious girls school to give a rare glimpse into her life in the White House.
In prepared remarks followed by a Q&A at the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School, she talked about what made her attracted to Obama and how she raises her daughters--as well as Hillary Clinton and whether the U.S. is ready for a woman president:
On whether she knew Obama would be president when she met him: "Absolutely not. No, I'm just kidding.... I knew he was a special person. And it had nothing to do with his education. It had nothing to do with his potential. And I say this to young women: Don't check off—there are a lot of women who have the boxes. Did he go to the right school? What is his income?"It was none of that. It was how he felt about his mother; the love that he felt for his mother; his relationship to women; his work ethic ... he wasn't impressed with himself. And he was funny. And we joked a lot. And he loved his little sister ... he was a community organizer. I really respected that.
"It was those kind of values that made me think you don't meet people like that often. And when you couple that with talent, and he's cute—you know, I always thought he would be useful. But I had no idea he would be president. I didn't think he was going to be president until the night we were standing on the stage and he actually won. I was like, 'gosh, look, you won.' "
On what she and Obama tell their daughters to help them achieve their goals: "Read, write, read, read. If the president were here--one of his greatest strengths is reading. That's one of the reasons why he's a good communicator, why he's such a good writer. He's a voracious reader. So we're trying to get our girls, no matter what, to just be--to love reading and to challenge themselves with what they read, and not just read the gossip books but to push themselves beyond and do things that maybe they wouldn't do.
"So I would encourage you all to read, read, read. Just keep reading. And writing is another skill. It's practice. It's practice. The more you write, the better you get. Drafts--our kids are learning the first draft means nothing. You're going to do seven, 10 drafts. That's writing, it's not failure, it's not the teacher not liking you because it's all marked up in red. When you get to be a good writer, you mark your own stuff in red, and you rewrite, and you rewrite, and you rewrite. That's what writing is."
Advice for women on relationships with spouses and with each other: "Do not bring people in your life who weigh you down. And trust your instincts ... good relationships feel good. They feel right. They don't hurt. They're not painful. That's not just with somebody you want to marry, but it's with the friends that you choose. It's with the people you surround yourselves with. And that's just as important as the school that you choose. Who's in your life, and do you respect them, and do they respect you? And are you respecting them. Right?
"And we as women in particular—and this is such an important message—starting today, you all have to be supportive of each other. You can't be jealous, and push and trip, you know? It's hard enough."
Her concerns on attending Princeton University: "Well meaning but misguided people sometimes questioned whether someone with my background could succeed. I had all kinds of worries and fears and doubts before I entered. I worried that I wouldn't be as well prepared as students who had come from more privileged families. I worried that I wouldn't fit in somewhere so different from where I'd grown up.
"But after a few months in college, away from home on my own, I realized that I was just as capable and I had just as much to offer any of my classmates. I realized that if I worked hard enough, I could do just as well as anyone else."
On whether the U.S. was ready for a woman president: "I think we're there. I think that the United States, I think many countries around the world are ready. So now the challenge is our preparation as women and our desire and willingness to step up and grab that ring, because we're at a time when so many people just want good leadership....
"Hillary Clinton is a fabulous leader. My husband had a formidable opponent in her in the primaries. She is a phenomenal secretary of State. We have examples of outstanding women like her in leadership all over the world.
"So it's completely there. The question is, are we ready? Are we, as young women, are we ready to take that responsibility on and go after it and take the risk that go with stepping out there and being judged? And I think sometimes as women we can step back, but we can start pushing ourselves now."
like this little gem:
for all my friends out there, this will be your birthday, graduation, christmas, kwanzaa, hanukkah, or wedding gift. i need to get my asian ham fingers on a wholesale box of SOMEDAY, probs check if Costco has it, they better. You are all so very welcome.
ok i'm going to waste the rest of my day away.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
so about a month ago i went home for spring break, super cool, and i was on my laptop proceeding to take a little bathroom break. upon my return i found this on my screen:
since it is easter, i remembered this beautiful piece of art made by my brother for no apparent reason back in the month of march. he is 17. strange boy i tell you.
this was my brother and I as small chitlins.
only we're not white, we are very much yellow.
also this caught my attention today:

her sister goes to school at emerson, lo' and behol' she finally runs into meh grams and at all places, CVS. i can't breath. here she is on google earth being a doll.

I AM DYING. yes ya'll my grams is one infamous lady in the city of Boston, particularly at all of the city's CVS's.
i love her.
what a magnificent day and to top it all off:

this week made me happy because of the above. hopefully it will continue on until we are CHAMPIONS. because unless we win, nothing else matters.
oh yeah one more thing. i was on the phone with my mother the other night and she proudly told me that she called into Verizon to ask the customer service guy where and what time the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate will be broadcasted. he told her to google it and she replied "oooohhh GOOOOGLLEE???" in her creepy asian accent. he then told her to press guide on the remote and she frustratedly replied that we do not receive tvguide. meanwhile my asshole brother is sitting right there on a COMPUTER and letting the poor woman struggle away.
imagine being the Verizon guy on the other line, picking up the phone expecting some troubleshooting problem only to explain to some asian woman how to find out when the royal wedding will be on tv. you can't make this shit up.
okay thanks and good day,
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
high up on the hill
- 420Vick I found out what 420 is and I hope your not stoned out of your mind right now. But here's some stuff you missed -mom and I had movie marathon after watching marathon. Watched limitless, sucker punch, the conspirator, and atlas shrugged. - mom never knew Lincoln was assassinated and thought he was black.
- dad has a Mexican friend called George that helps pick up used water boilers and other parts. I listen to them on the phone both struggling to communicate in English
he is still using the wrong you're/your, good luck the SATs/life buddy...
- on a side note:

take it easy everyone.
peace and love,
Saturday, March 5, 2011
i just can't get enough
currently listening to: depeche mode mix
i am addicted to this.

so incredibly good. go check it out. well others may not find it as appealing as i do.
2 week until i trek home, yay!
starting to like my hair again. haway!
i can't stop snorting. i don't know what's wrong with me.
a certain someone i live with likes to not clean up after herself and left our bathroom (which has no ventilation, mind you, AT ALL). i open the door to change and HOLY CRAP it smells like period blood in there. almost like a mix of a pile of shit, an old sushi market, and a dead body. lovely, i hope you enjoyed that description. if i had to go through that, the least i can do is let you imagine the gawd awful stench. I AM NOT BEING DRAMATIC. honestly one of the worst smells i've ever come across, and i've smelled a lot of nasty shit in my life, don't ask me why. ps, she went to bed at 11:20 on a saturday night. so if she expects us to be quiet, we will not. Can we please live like a normal college student please? ok thank you.
throwback song of the day.
i have many special memories to this song. mostly around a lake and asians and karaoke.
ughhh my body is so sore from working out. i'm gonna be a fitness guru. oh and i was forced to go to yoga, mighta let a lil toot out here and there....or five. i have a problem with over sharing, please stay being my friend.
Friday, February 25, 2011
i'm heartbroken...

A true Celtic, always was and always will be. bled green and always gave it his all. thanks for the 8 years of renewed faith in the Boston Celtics. Good Luck and never forget us.
Thanks for everything Perk!
i hope you know what you're doing danny ainge, otherwise it will be awhile before i can forgive you.
banner 18 is slowly slipping away.
please come back....it's going to be so weird not seeing your signature scowl during the games.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
TO BONNAROO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what a legendary lineup, yours truly is going to see a real live Led Zeppelin member. i will be talking about this forever and my grandchitlins are going to be so jealous.
i need to breath in a bag now.
Pooping myself,
Monday, February 14, 2011
Like baby, baby, baby ohh
and i'm grooving to it. go youtube it and see if you can resist movement. DO NOT JUDGE ME.
completely outrage about the grammy's. its not even that i'm being bias but it is complete bullshit that Lady Antebellum won record and song of the year. i'm not against country, heck i listen to taylor swift (yes questionable i know). but that song was honestly shit. the lyrics are horrible, its got a over redundant crappy message about love. compare it to Eminem's song, recovery was his first album to be completely sober off of everything. went to jail and rehab, had a mediocre last record, and came back better than ever. Plus "love the way lie" (i don't like rihanna) considering the message, the words, the instrumentals, the singers' background, critical and popular success, it did not win a single grammy. the grammy association has been criticized for shutting out country music, well um...there's the COUNTRY MUSIC AWARDS, go there if you want an award. i'm writing to the grammy people. this is pure outrage.
alright stuff i found on the web:
seeing how my home state is ranked as the worst drivers in the country, people don't understand what a culture shock it is for a masshole to drive in other states. case in point-this is a guide i found to driving in Mass.
- Always look right and left before proceeding through a green light.
- When on a one way street, stay to the right to allow for oncoming traffic to pass.
- Never, ever stop for a pedestrian unless he flings himself under the wheels of your car.
- The first parking space you see will be the last parking space you see. Grab it.
- Learn to swerve abruptly. Boston is the home of slalom driving, thanks to the Department of Transportation, which puts potholes in key locations to test drivers' reflexes and keep them on their toes.
- Never get in the way of a car that needs extensive bodywork.
- Double-park in the North End of Boston and South Boston, unless triple-parking is available.
- Always look both ways when running a red light.
- Honk your horn the instant the light changes.
- Breakdown lanes are not for breaking down, but for speeding, especially during rush hour. Breakdown lanes may also end without warning causing traffic jams as people merge back in.
- If you should break down, allow your vehicle to come to a stop in the center lane. If road conditions are hazardous, exit your vehicle, without looking, and stand next to it, with your back to oncoming traffic.
- Never use directional signals when changing lanes. They only warn other drivers to speed up and not let you in.
- To signal a lane change, look in the direction you're about to go, as you do so. Wearing a baseball cap is considered an extra safety measure.
- Making eye contact revokes your right of way.
- Never pass on the left when you can pass on the right.
- Whenever possible, stop in the middle of a crosswalk to ensure inconveniencing as many pedestrians as possible. And if a pedestrian ahead of you steps into the road, speed up loudly and chase them up on the curb. Pedestrians have no rights.
- On a multi-lane highway, always drive in the left lane, even if there are others wanting to pass. Stay in the left lane until the last possible instant before cutting across all lanes to the exit.
- When making a left turn at an intersection with a red light, glare at the oncoming drivers, inch your way into the intersection, and floor it when the green light from the other direction turns yellow.
- When merging, floor it, as you hit the "on ramp" and proceed immediately to the furthest left hand lane.
- When road conditions are hazardous, swerve in and out of lanes, to pass slower moving vehicles.
- Communicating with other drivers and pedestrians is important. Gesture often.
- The furthest right lane is reserved for passing. The furthest left lane is reserved for slower moving vehicles.
- Always bring your cell phone with you. Highway driving is a perfect time to chat with your friends and loved ones.
- If you miss your exit, stop abruptly and back up.
- When another car pulls up close behind you and "flashes their brights", slam on your breaks.
- When entering a tunnel, always slow down and pause before entering, even if there is no traffic or reason for delay.
- When faced with a lane detour, due to construction, always pass as many complying vehicles as possible, wait until the last possible second, then swerve into the specified lane.
- Be prepared for abundant construction detours.
- Taxi Cab drivers are highly trained professionals. Observe and learn from their masterful techniques and driving skills.
- Only those pedestrians not looking where they're going, head and eyes fixed firmly forward, are allowed to cross in front of traffic. Be sure to "break" hard and stop as close to them as possible.
- Tip: Only pedestrians crossing within "Cross Walks" have legal rights. Pedestrians outside of "Cross Walks" are "fair game".
yes, i had to do it. did you just throw up multiple times? i'm still recovering from it. that is 30 seconds of your life that you will never get back. you are welcome.
hey remember sabrina the teenage witch...?
and throwback song of the day:
oh my god, the days of my young glory...is it sad i still remember some of the words?
peace to the bumcrease,
Sunday, February 6, 2011
my life is a trainwreck.
it has been too long. i apologize.
so my life...back in the MD, JOY. the one state on the east coast that didn't get any of that crazy snow.
-i got yelled at by some Jesus dude reading his bible in the Commons. apparently i'm a sinner because i talk about how my school screwed me over. gee thanks for that, DO I EVEN KNOW YOU??
-i had to sit for hours in some creepy computer room to get rid of the virus on my laptop, which i'm pretty sure is still there. and i hadn't eaten all day.
-i got bored and chopped off a huge chunk of hair, so i now have asian bangs and look like every other fob on campus. great. trying to get Freja's hair, FAIL.
-got yelled out by some angry ass employees in the dinning hall for apparent "misuse" of plates. reported me to the manager. BITE ME.
-gotten kicked out of three classes because of "overcapacity" um DINGUS. I SEE TWO OPEN SEATS RIGHT THERE. gawd, i don't understand professors who go out of their way to be assholes. students are people too. k thanks.
-didn't have a ride to the grocery store for some time, all i had were cans of nuts my grams gave me to bring back to college. so i would go to bed hungry every night. no milk for far too long, i could feel my bones getting weak and brittle. seriously, i can feel these things.
-my farts are beginning to smell, they never use to, even my suitemates are getting offended. oh sorry TMI. my oversharing habit would be another item on my mother's list of reasons i will never marry a nice charming respectable well off man. whatever, take it or leave it.
-i have a serious procrastinating problem. i know every other college student does, but mine is seriously getting out of hand, it's not at all healthy. really really bad.
Well, in light of the new regarding the state of our education system it seems that American students are always striving for excellency in every aspect of their educational process.
Check it:
OH.EM.GEE. i'm still trying to muster enough courage to do something like this on one of my exams before i graduate. SUCH WINNERS. future leaders of Amurrica.
i have a sick sense of humor and i laugh when i'm nervous or in awkward situations.
this jolly man cracks me up every time. i've probably watched all of his videos and there were TEARS coming down every time. i think dick and i spent 2 hours blasting them and my mom freaked out and went on and on about why people are so messed up because they swear...
this is my favorite one:
I'm dying. everytime. i don't think anyone else finds these as funny as i do. oh BOB SAGET.
youtube him, it's Touretts Guy and he is HIGHlarious. watch them all.
alrighty i have to do some homework before the superbowl comes on. i really hope the packers will win, i hate ben rothlisbooger.
uuhhh i just drooled everywhere drinking my tea. tried to blame it on on my suite-mate, she didn't buy it. stoopid numb lip...
Thursday, January 20, 2011
bloody hell...
i was suppose to update this blog more since i had so much more time, but i guess i'm more motivated to update when i'm at school in need of some serious distractions.
the thing with being a boston sports fan is yes, we have been very lucky over the years, and so there is this constant expectation to uphold that quality. they say, losing doesn't hurt more then when you're a sports fan in NE. all our teams are constantly up there in the ranks and we always get so so close and then BAM! my heart is crushed. and its always to the most hated rivals. celtics last year in game 7 to the lakers...bruins 3-0 lead to the flyers...sox getting shut out of the playoffs...this season's Pats loss to the friggin Jets...and who can forget that perfect season where we went 16-0 season only to lose the superbowl by 3 points to the giants...i still can't talk about that. oh the heartache. either suck real bad or go all the way, so the pain doesn't cut so bad. will it end soon? 2010 was not a good year all around. i'm hoping this new season will bring more joy than heartache. please.
oh and for all you haters:
Man Stabs 4, Kills 1 Because Of Farting!
Filed under: Icky Icky Poo > Busted! > Sad Sad
This is so awful, we can barely believe it!
According to police, 21-year-old Marc Higgins of Bristol, CT stabbed four people at a party on Saturday night, killing one of them, because people made fun of him for farting.
Witnesses say that Marc drunkenly left the party, returned with three knives, and stabbed people "indiscriminately."
21-year-old Matthew Walton died of the stab wounds.
What makes this whole thing even MORE upsetting is that Higgins' victims were not specifically targeted. He claims they were "simply the first people he saw when he returned to the party."
Such a tragedy! Our thoughts go out to Matthew Walton's friends and family.
As far as Higgins is concerned, we truly hope that justice is served.
Killing someone over flatulence? Absolutely sickening.
Oh and i have an announcement to make:
YES. bahahhaha my beloved Snooki is now an acclaimed writer. i'm so proud of her. another example of dreaming big. because if this little 4 ft something orange little guidette/oompa loompa pickle lover in all her hair bump glory can do it, SO CAN YOU. i love you too snooki.
well i'll probably be back in maryland the next time i post...yippee,can you hear the excitement??
peace to the bumcrease,
(my cousin alerted me that Fiquid is "when you fart, but it comes out in liquid form" kinda fitting though...anyways there is now a spelling change. accept it)
Monday, January 10, 2011
clock's tickin...
There’s just one thing that I got to say
I won’t let another moment slip away
I say hey, hey, hey no matter how life is today
There’s just one thing that I got to say
I won’t let another moment slip away
I hold on, I’m trying to hold on,
I hold on, hold on, hold on, I hold on
Don’t let nobody ever tell you that it couldn’t be done
Take it one day at a time.
Everything happens for a reason.
Dream big minions!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
oh codswallop!
recognize the Pru anyone?? i think i teared up just a little.
and this is why i love Snooki
have a fantastical weekend!