one thing for sure, never fight with a middle aged asian woman. just don't do it, because trust me. you will lose. you'll see...
and also a majority of asian women are drama queens. myself included. we freak out easily cause its in our nature. we can't help it, so word of advice, just stand there, say and do nothing.
wowzers. too too funny
lets see what is going on in my life...?
well for starters, i cut my hair. a lot of it. it is pretty darn short compared to before. i am so excited for thanksgiving because yours truly finally gets to go home!! woot. but it also means hell until then cause of exams and papers and then once i get back more hell cause its finals count down. wow it just never ends but its funny how fast it is going by. also i heard it is extremely cold back home. apparently its snowing somewhere in md, which is pretty unheard of so i can't even imagine how bone chilling beantown will be.
yeah so a while back i told you about my bro sneakin his lovely face into all of my luggage, it was mighty beautiful to walk to class with his doofy face on a keychain on my backpack. oh did i mention he's in a police uniform. reals embarrassing...but i finally gathered most of it, there's more and here's a little snapshot of what i found:
there's the keychain and magnet up in the right corner, i also found a sticker of his face PERMANENTLY stuck to my retainer case, so every morning & night when i use it i see this extra special face. just look at the pose with the nature background and the glazed over eyes...he looks somewhat autistic, which he is.
and then this lovely scroll is hanging on my desk directly facing my roomate. so when she wakes up BOOM there he is. and that pose with the slight 20 degree lean is just priceless.
and lastly. this card. which i received in my inbox with a note: "snuggle buddy vic, i hope you like this, it took me over an hour to make." THIS TOOK HIM ONE HOUR TO MAKE. oh my dear god. that's all i can say, btw that's his face on what is clearly NOT HIS BODY.
i cannot believe i even miss him. the kid is that special.
well goodbye for now, these next few weeks are going to be gawd awful. i'll do my best to update!
1 comment:
my dad came across that video, too, and he kept watching it on repeat WTF
hahaha, did Richard make that collage with microsoft paint? he's hilarious
I miss you. You're coming back for Thanksgiving right? We can go see the Harry Potter exhibit at MoS together!
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